Webinar Archive


Welcome to the webinar archive, which features presentations about current scientific and policy topics related to computational and in vitro toxicology. These videos are recorded as part of the ASCCT-ESTIV monthly webinar series, sponsored by ASCCT and the European Society for Toxicology In Vitro. They are organized by year using the horizontal menu below. Please feel free to view any webinar; you can search for keywords in the search bar at the top of the page. 

You can also view all of the webinars on our YouTube channel.

To learn more about upcoming webinars and other events, please visit our Event Calendar.  Finally, if you have suggestions for future webinars, please share them in the member Community Forum or by emailing [email protected].

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016-2015 | 2014-2011

2024 Webinars

ASCCT-ESTIV Award Winners Webinar Series, Part 1 (February 2024)

Elena Kromidas, ESTIV Best Oral Presentation Award Recipient at the 2023 World Congress (WC12)
*Not in Recording*
Department for Microphysiological Systems, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Eberhard Karls University Tuebingen, Germany 
Research Topic: “Development of a Healthy Cervix-, a Pre-Cancerous CIN- and an Immunocompetent Cervical Cancer-on-Chip.”
Additional Resources: 
Micro Organo Lab, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen https://www.organ-on-chip.uni-tuebingen.de/
E. KromidasA. GeierA. WeghoferH.-Y. LiuM. WeissP. LoskillImmunocompetent PDMS-Free Organ-on-Chip Model of Cervical Cancer Integrating Patient-Specific Cervical Fibroblasts and NeutrophilsAdv. Healthcare Mater. 2023, 2302714. https://doi.org/10.1002/adhm.202302714

Victoria Hull, ASCCT 2023 Annual Meeting Poster Award Winner
Senior Bioinformatician, Inotiv-RTP
Research Topic: "Curating chemical use categories and exposure predictions to inform chemical assessment" SLIDES


ASCCT-ESTIV Award Winners Webinar Series, Part 2 (April 3, 2024)

Alexandre (Alex) Borrel, winner of the Edward Carney Predictive Toxicology Award (ASCCT)
Inotiv, Senior Computational Chemist
Research Topic: "Deep Learning Profile QSAR Modeling to Impute In Vitro Assay Results and Predict Chemical Carcinogenesis Mechanisms" SLIDES

Agnes Karmaus, winner of an ASCCT 12th Annual Meeting Poster Award
Syngenta, Senior Human Safety Project Expert
Research Topic: "Incorporating new approach methodologies into a tiered assessment framework for agrochemical metabolite human safety assessment" SLIDES


ASCCT-ESTIV Award Winners Webinar Series, Part 3 (April 11, 2024)

Damaris Cristine Marios Ferreira Pinto, winner of the ASCCT International Travel Award
Biotechnologist and a human and environmental safety assessor Grupo Boticário in Brazil
Research Topic: "Assessing Sunscreen Product Toxicity on Coral Fragments: A New Approach methodology for Enhancing Reliability and Addressing Environmental Concerns"

Jerry Achar, winner of the Suzanne Fitzpatrick Student Travel Award (ASCCT)
PhD candidate at the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada)
Research Topic: "Facilitating analysis of implicit uncertainties in QSAR prediction of chemical toxicity: a case study of neurotoxicity"

Kirsten Veltman, winner of the ESTIV Best Poster Presentation at the EUROTOX2023 Congress in Ljubljana, Slovenia
PhD Candidate at the Centre for Health Protection (GZB), Innovating Testing Strategies (VTS), Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
Research Topic: "Application of Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis as Mode of Action Screening Method for Suspected Non-Genotoxic Carcinogens Inducing Oxidative Stress"


From physiological maps to ontology maps using a systems biology approach (May 14, 2024)

Presenter: Luiz Ladeira, PhD - Postdoctoral researcher at the Biomechanics Research Unit, GIGA Molecular & Computational Biology, at the University of Liège (Belgium). SLIDES
H2020 ONTOX project: https://ontox-project.eu/

For some additional guidance and resources on getting started with mapping and where to find pathways/maps, please visit these projects:Disease Maps Community: https://disease-maps.org/
Systems Biology Graphical Notation (SBGN) project: https://sbgn.github.io/


Progress in in vitro Thyroid Disruption Approaches (July 16, 2024)

Presenters: Kostja Renko, Dr. rer. Nat. and Chad Deisenroth, PhD

Kostja Renko, Dr rer nat: "Identification of potential thyroid hormone disruptors using the Sandell-Kolthoff reaction as a technology platform."
Dr. Renko is a scientist at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment in the unit "Strategies for Toxicological Assessments." As a biotechnologist, he works on in vitro methods for the identification and characterization of potential thyroid disrupting chemicals.

Chad Deisenroth, PhD: "Advancing Translational Application and Acceptance of The 3D Human Thyroid Microtissue Assay" (SLIDES)
Dr. Deisenroth is a cell biologist in the Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure at the U.S. EPA with 14 years of experience in the development and application of in vitro new approach methods for predictive toxicology.


ASCCT-ESTIV Award Winners Series: Dr. Eliska Kuchovska & Tiago Marques Pedro (November 22, 2024)

Dr. Eliska Kuchovska, PhD: “Ontology-Based AI-driven Innovative Approach Using DNT NAMs for NGRA.” SLIDES

JSAAE Best Oral Presentation award at ESTIV 2024

Tiago Marques Pedro: “Using a Machine Learning Framework to Improve the Efficiency of Mitochondrial Toxicity Screening by Guiding Compound Selection.” SLIDES

ESTIV Best Oral Presentation award at EUROTOX 2024


JSAAE & ASCCT-ESTIV Joint Webinar: Prediction of skin sensitization using machine learning (December 4, 2024) 

Kaori Ambe, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Data Science, Nagoya City University, Nagoya, Japan

Additional Resource: Ambe K, Suzuki M, Ashikaga T, Tohkin M. Development of quantitative model of a local lymph node assay for evaluating skin sensitization potency applying machine learning CatBoost. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol, 125, 105019, 2021.



2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016-2015 | 2014-2011
For a list of our upcoming webinars and other events, please visit https://www.ascctox.org/upcoming-webinars